Donations given for “Missions” is used to support the following:
Co-labourers is a fund set up by our South Qld District office to help financially support new church plants. All Wesleyan Methodist Churches are encouraged to contribute financially, as well as prayerfully supporting these SEQ district outreaches into local communities. This year the churches being supported are:
Kingsley Australia. The Wesleyan Bible College in Melbourne. “Through the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we at Kingsley Australia facilitate the development and equipping of Christians to become empowered and passionate in their ministry to shape their world.”
Kingsley Community Training Centres, such as ‘The Second Mile’ in Gympie and ‘Valley Tongan’ in Brisbane are extensions of Kingsley Australia and also offer theological courses. For more information visit http://www.kingsley.edu.au/
Wesley World Missions Aust. The missionaries we support are: