Operating in the Mary Valley at the Amamoor State School, our Breakky Club ensures that disadvantaged children have the opportunity to start every school day with a nutritional breakfast in a safe and nurturing environment in readiness for learning.
It is estimated that approximately 25% of children regularly miss breakfast and that children from lower socio-economic backgrounds are six times more likely to miss breakfast than students from higher socio-economic backgrounds. Many nutritionists and experts believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that a nutritious breakfast aids children’s physical, mental and emotional development.
Young people who miss breakfast, are less able to concentrate, more prone to fidgeting and distractions and come recess, are hungry, tired and finding learning difficult. Furthermore, evidence suggests skipping breakfast may also contribute to obesity.
If you would like to assist the Breakky Club by volunteering your time or by making a donation contact Pastor Brendan at maryvalley@wesleyan.org.au or by calling the Mary Valley Wesleyan Methodist Church office 07 5484 3687.